Paul Baxendale

From Bodybuilding to Philosophy


I have had the privilege of working with some fantastic clients and here a few them describe the experience of engaging in one of my coaching programs. It is my hope that you will have a similar experience should you choose to work with me. I thank them bringing themselves to the task so openly and I wish you the best of luck with your future.

A compelling proposition as a coach

My friendship with Paul goes back nearly 4 decades. We were initially work colleagues and then ‘brothers in iron’ at the gym, where he showed me how to push past my comfort zone and create a mental paradigm to achieve far more than I thought I was capable of doing. His career as a National and International bodybuilding champion was forged through laser-like goal setting, self mastery, discipline, and habits which underpin success. He understood the importance of accountability and working with supportive mentors at the very top of their game.

His subsequent move into academia and his love of philosophy broadened his capabilities and took them to another level. He is a man of great integrity and steadfast values. In total he has a rare, perhaps unique, skill set which makes him a compelling proposition as a coach.

Whether you are looking to transform physically, emotionally, spiritually, in your work or in your relationships, Paul will help you clarify your purpose, your goals and your ‘why’. He’ll challenge your thinking and work with you to produce a comprehensive action oriented framework and a mindset which mobilises you for success.

Richard Hill – Senior Manager and Charity CEO


“I had the privilege of being coached by Paul Baxendale starting in 2005 and it transformed not just my physique but my entire approach to life.

From our very first consultation, Paul’s dedication to understanding my goals and aspirations was evident. Despite my initial scepticism about achieving a six-pack, as an Indian man over 30, Paul’s unwavering belief in the potential of every individual propelled me forward.

Beyond his impressive knowledge and experience in exercise and nutrition, Paul possesses a rare gift for connecting with his clients on a deeply personal level.

He not only guided me to achieve my desired results but also instilled in me a sense of discipline and determination that extends far beyond the gym.

Paul’s influence didn’t end with physical transformation; he played a pivotal role in shaping my career path. Inspired by his mentorship, I ventured into the world of coaching myself, initially facing challenges but armed with the invaluable lessons imparted by Paul.

His patience, guidance and unwavering support were instrumental in my journey to becoming a successful coach in my own right.

I attribute much of my success and personal growth to Paul’s mentorship. His teachings laid the foundation for my coaching philosophy, and I am forever grateful for his dedication to imparting knowledge and fostering growth.

In every interaction, Paul exemplifies what it means to be a brilliant, experienced life coach. His professionalism, uplifting spirit, and genuine care for his clients are unparalleled. Paul goes above and beyond; he is not just a coach but a friend and a brother. He’s always just a phone call away, ready to offer guidance and support no matter the question or query.

I wholeheartedly recommend Paul to anyone who is seeking not just physical transformation but a holistic shift in mind-set and approach to life. With Paul by your side, you’re not just investing in coaching, you’re investing in a life-changing journey towards realising your fullest potential.


Changing the world one person at a time

“I would describe Paul Baxendale as a friend, but a very unique one. A man of character that is rare to find, especially nowadays.

When the storms of life hit a man – especially the kind that Paul faced and still faces every day – many crumble. They turn to drink of drugs or become cynical, but Paul took the challenges head on and used them to get stronger through them.

His moral standards are impeccable – refined by the Stoics of old – and he lives by them. He cares for friends in need and invests time, without ulterior motives. Apart from a few real Christians I have not seen any other show such love and dedication.

His heart is bleeding, seeing a generation of young men growing up in a confused world where masculinity is regarded as toxic, rather than as heroic. He is set on making a difference by using on-line platforms to pass on his life experiences and instill some backbone and direction into others.

If I were to sum up Paul I would say: a true Stoic who lives what he says, who is set on changing the world one person at a time.”

Stefan Huber – Director PAUL Heat Recovery Scotland

Next level training

To anyone wanting to take their training and physique to the next level I highly recommend Paul Baxendale!

Not only can he help bring out the best in you physically he is also an academic scholar and can help you live a much more fulfilling life.

If you are or have ever gone through rough and dark times, Paul can pull you back into the light with his knowledge, sincerity and compassion.

Unlike so many of the trainers, guru’s and life coaches out there Paul doesn’t just talk the talk, he walks the walk with years of experience under his belt with training, diet, supplementation and guidance under his expertise.

Be prepared for some common sense no BS personal training that will yield great results and bring out the best in you to achieve your goals.

I speak from personal experience of knowing Paul where I was in a dark place myself a couple of years ago. Paul instilled a stronger “never give up attitude and work ethic” that has diminished drastically after my back injury.

A word of caution – be prepared to give and commit yourself 110% and throw self pity and excuses out the door!

Give Paul a chance to revamp your physique, health and mindset and I can guarantee you that you will NOT be disappointed!

Myron Ullman

Help to rise above adversity

I was lucky enough to meet Paul at a seminar in Hawaii in 2000, and my first impressions of him since then have been reconfirmed many times over. Quite simply, it has been a pleasure and a privilege to consider Paul as a friend. He is one of life’s true gentle giants – someone who is both a tower of strength yet one of the most gentle and considerate people I know.

In his personal life, Paul is an excellent role model. Having risen above adversities experienced in previous years, he is now committed to living his life by his exemplary values, and helping n others share the benefits of his experience. Sill on a continual learning curve himself, he appears to be going from strength to strength in following his vocation of preaching as well as in cementing the closeness of his relationship with his family.

On a personal basis, Paul has provided me with the opportunity to experience the benefits and joys of voluntary work in environments that I would not usually come into contact with. To have not participated would have been my loss – instead I was lucky enough to experience a fantastic opportunity to contribute to others, and really appreciate how blessed my life is.

Paul has also given to me as a friend in many other ways. I know he will always be someone I can trust implicitly, and whom I will always be able to call on to share both the good times and the challenging times in my life. To be able to share this with others who may be about to meet Paul as he embarks on another phase of his own life is just one small way in which I can thank him for the friendship he has shown me since we met.

In short, Paul is one very special person who touches the lives of everyone around him, and I truly wish him, Amanda and their beautiful daughters all the happiness and joy in their lives that they deserve- I know he will always do his best to ensure that others achieve this too.

Louise Moule

Words cannot describe our gratitude

I have only known Paul Baxendale for the past twelve months. In that time, he has profoundly touched my family’s lives and mine. His passion for corporate responsibility has seen my company adopt a significant community partnership.

Words cannot describe our gratitude.

Paul is a man of incredible compassion. His capacity to love is only matched by his boundless energy and passion for life.
Paul’s friendship and love are unconditional.

His lack of judgement and ability to listen provide a safe and trusted haven.

His honesty and curiosity kindle a desire to fulfil one’s potential. His certainty and determination provide strength and courage to live that potential. When I’m doubtful, his faith and belief carries me through.

His discipline and commitment inspires confidence and moves mountains.

His creativity and gift of expression can transform a room whilst stirring each soul.

I am blessed to have him as part of my life.

Gaby Molnar – Telstra Young Businesswomen of the Year 2000

You have been an inspiration to me

You have been such an inspiration to me and I really enjoyed meeting you 20 plus years ago!!! And being in your life for that period of time. I was so sad to see you leave I thought I had lost one of my best mates.

I was so proud to have called you my friend and even now I look at your Facebook and think I’m so proud to have known you!

Paul, you really are special and absolutely need to be in people’s lives to mentor them. You are without judgement and come from a place of love and compassion and most importantly belief in others that change can happen and you are also proof of turning your life around and that’s all someone needs!

I really wanted to help you change the world back then but I guess we had different paths to take. I can see that you have done this and so many people admire you and look to you for guidance.

I know it’s been a long time since I have spoken to you but I’m sure you have not changed from the man I knew so long ago.

I remember you being a kind , passionate man who loved his family and friends and would do whatever needed to be done to help them out.

I know you only asked for a few sentences but Paul you cannot be described in a few sentences – I need a book to be able to share who I remember you to be and how much you can offer someone else and I’m sure behind you is your beautiful wife and children.

Jenny Tselepis – Children’s Care Manager – Sydney Australia