Paul Baxendale

From Bodybuilding to Philosophy



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Paul Baxendale - From Bodybuilding to Philosophy

Blog Post: 8

First Mentors,  Influences  and  Building  a  Foundation. The Importance of Mentors It’s  always  best  to  keep  it  simple,  as  Marcus  Aurelius  said  many  years  ago, 

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Paul Baxendale - From Bodybuilding to Philosophy

Blog Post 7

First Mentors,  Influences  and  Building  a  Foundation. Beginnings It’s  always  best  to  keep  it  simple,  as  Marcus  Aurelius  said  many  years  ago,  “At  every  moment 

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Paul Baxendale - From Bodybuilding to Philosophy

Back Day With Dorian….A Lesson in Form and Humility (and His Dry Sense of Humour!!).

Hi,  I’m  Paul  Baxendale  and  welcome  to  blog  post  number  5.  This  week  we’re  going  back  in  time  again  to…….1993!  And  yes,  we’re  going  back  to  the  dungeon,  we’re going  to  reminisce  about  my  first  back   training  day  with  Dorian,  but  first  a  few  words  about  improvement….from  the  Roman  philosopher,  Socrates,  you  see  it’s  nothing new  to  wish  to  find  a  method  to  improve  yourself,  whether  physically  or  mentally  or  emotionally;  from  the  earliest  civilisations  humankind  has  been  on  an  never-ending  quest  to  improve  oneself….well  the  leaders  have  always  done  so.

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Paul Baxendale - From Bodybuilding to Philosophy

Bodybuilding in the UK in the early-Mid 1990’s – A Golden Era?

This week sees us back to bodybuilding in the early 90’s and the start of my top level competing with the EFBB, the British art of the IFBB, where each year they would give out two pro cards; one for the overall men and one for the overall women’s classes. Back then you really only had one chance a year to claim a Pro card and it wasn’t good enough to win your class at the Nationals but you had to win the overall, a huge task.

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